
World Youth Day Lisbon 2023 and Banco Alimentar: 400 tonnes of food saved from becoming waste

World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon 2023 and Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome established a partnership against food waste.

Embracing sustainability as one of the main focuses of its action and having as a guide the encyclicals of Pope Francis “Laudato Sì” and “Fratelli Tutti”, which call for care for our Common Home, and seeking to raise awareness of responsible consumption and use of goods, WYD Lisbon 2023 and Banco Alimentar promoted a campaign to raise awareness of food waste aimed at young people from all over the world who took part in the meeting in Lisbon at the beginning of August.

With the motto “Don’t waste: Share!” the campaign aimed to actively engage pilgrims to place all food that was not consumed, as long as it was packaged, in boxes specifically designed for this purpose. These boxes were then collected by Banco Alimentar and the food was redistributed to charities helping people in need. In total, more than 50 tonnes of food were recovered.

In addition, Banco Alimentar also received food kits that were not redistributed to pilgrims, more than 350 tonnes of food products.

Watch the awareness video by clicking here.