
Wiener Tafel becomes Die Tafel Österreich

As Wiener Tafel entered their 25th year, they continued to evolve their brand into Die Tafel Österreich.

Everything stays better: Small name change, big opportunities

This step was preceded by extensive deliberations and preparations – and it is as logical as it is necessary. Founded in 1999 by four students as Wiener Tafel, they have long since outgrown their local attachment. The new name honors the past merits of Wiener Tafel, and expands the possibilities for pursuing their mission even more effectively than before – at a time when it is needed more than ever. As Austria’s oldest and largest Food Bank, they need a strong voice to secure their work for the future. For people affected by poverty, for the environment, for an even better bridge between surplus and food insecurity.

Their mission stays the same: food rescue for free in order to help people in need in social institutions with the aim of fighting poverty. It corresponds to the international Tafel model, which Die Tafel Österreich is the only one in this country to follow, and guarantees professionally guided ways out of need in addition to food aid. However, massively increasing demand, declining donations of goods and increasing competition from a multitude of (commercial) initiatives are putting this contribution to ecological and social sustainability under increasing pressure. The brand change will facilitate solutions and approaches such as food rescue from agriculture and open new doors.

Thank you, Wiener Tafel. Welcome, Die Tafel Österreich!

Read more here.