
Peer-to-peer activities to increase knowledge on food recovery and redistribution

On 29, 30 and 31 March 2021, FEBA members in Italy, Hungary and Slovenia were involved in peer-to-peer activities. FEBA Italian member, Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus, organised training sessions for the volunteers and employees of Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület (FEBA member in Hungary) and SIBAHE (FEBA member in Slovenia).

These peer-to-peer sessions were the occasion for Fondazione Banco Alimentare to share experiences, know-how on processes and procedures, which have been developed in the almost twenty years as regards the recovery and redistribution of fresh and cooked food. The final objective was to share best practices, work together on a feasibility study for the first steps both in Hungary and Slovenia and work together to expand the range and increase the quantity and quality of food recovered and redistributed to non-profit organisations in these countries, for the benefit of more people in need. 

The project is carried out thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo Charity Fund  and in collaboration with FEBA. Indeed, FEBA participated as facilitator and thanks to the support from the European Commission set up the interpretation system from Italian to Hungarian and Slovenian and viceversa to break down the language barriers and allow everyone to participate and interact.

These peer-to-peer sessions were the initial steps of a bigger project, where the solidarity between FEBA members is at the core!