
Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires welcomes announcements that there is a major step forward in tackling the social crisis in France

On 3 November 2020, French Minister of Solidarity and Health, Olivier Veran and the Secretary of State for European Affairs, Mr Clément Beaune, announced the increase of FEAD in France for 2021-2027. 

Fundings will be structured as follows: 

€90 million from FEAD 2014-2020 will be added to the FEAD 2021-2027 (unspent allocation of the current FEAD 2014-2020);

€132 million under the REACT-EU plan for the years 2020-2022. They were expected to have €100 million with the REACT-EU plan but in France they increased the total by 30%. 

€647 million under the ESF+ for the years 2021-2027 with 85% co-financing from the European Union and the rest by the French Government (€87 million). France chose to allocate 9.7% of the ESF+ for the FEAD (and not the 2% as expected). It is a positive sign from France which is committed over 7 years and ensures the stability of FEAD for 2021-2027. In 2014-2020 France had €587 million.

Read the press release of a joint statement of the Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires, Restos du Coeur, Croix Rouge Française and Secours Populaire Français:

  • French version – click here
  • English version (translation conducted by FEBA)click here

Moreover, at this link you can read (in French) an article on this issue from Le Monde.