Our activities

Quantifying the impact of European Food Banks

Building on the achievements of YEAR-1 and implementing the feedback received from its members, FEBA focalised the YEAR-2 activities on the following four milestones:

As a result of these efforts, all FEBA Members used the online Observatory to communicate their statistics and, therewith, the aggregated data for the first time entails information from both FEBA Full and Associate Members, reflecting the impact of the entire membership.

Impact of FEBA membership in 2021

In some countries such as Estonia, Germany and the Netherlands, FEBA Members redistribute food not only to other charitable organisations but also provide food directly to end bene ciaries. This is the aggregation of data provided by FEBA Full Members and Associate Members at European level. In the case of Tafel Deutschland e.V., the data for food quantities is based on an estimation.

Kick-off meeting

FEBA invited its entire membership to an online meeting with a two-fold purpose: taking stock of the achievements of YEAR-1 and giving an outlook to the goals and activities envisaged for YEAR-2. During an open and lively discussion, the Food Bank representatives had the opportunity to exchange their views and pose questions to the Project Team comprising FEBA and external experts.   

One-to-one meetings

Between June and September 2021, FEBA and the external experts organised 15 one-to-one meetings with FEBA Members  that gave their availability for an assessment of their needs, to share feedbacks on the first version of the online Observatory on Food Donation, and to analyse the most important KPIs and desirable changes regarding the indicators and the taxonomy.

These meetings with Food Bank representatives from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine were extremely useful for FEBA to develop the second version of the Online Observatory in accordance with the needs of its membership.

Mid-term plenary session

On 25 November 2021, FEBA arranged a mid-term plenary session open to the entire membership to take stock of the developments regarding the indicators, the KPIs and the new version of the online platform. Moreover, the Pilot Group was presented and additional countries (Lithuania, France, Netherlands, and Austria) were introduced to be engaged in the project on a higher level.

Besides the progress made, pending and ongoing issues were outlined, opening also the discussion with the participants on the next steps, especially regarding the data collection campaign aiming at gathering statistics on 2021 from FEBA Members.

Online meeting: Release of new version of the Observatory on Food Donation

This online session held on 7 February 2022 was the occasion to release the new version of the Observatory on Food Donation. The goal of the meeting was to unite the contact persons of FEBA Members in charge of data collection in order to explain how to use the online platform and to efficiently respond to upcoming questions.

Evaluation meeting

On 3 May 2022, FEBA organised an online evaluation meeting aimed at giving the possibility to FEBA Members to share their comments and feedbacks on the new version of the online Observatory on Food Donation, the data entry process, and the organisation of the 2021 data collection campaign in general.

The received input laid the foundation for the further development of new features and the improvement of the user-friendliness of the online platform.

Click below to explore the activities conducted in this project and gain insights into the results achieved each year.

This project has received financial support from the European Union through the Grant Agreement SANTE/2020/D1/FEBA/SI2.844800.

The opinions expressed in this project do not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.

With the support of