
Provisional agreement reached on EU food waste reduction targets

On 19 February, the Council Presidency and European Parliament representatives reached a provisional agreement on the targeted revision of the Waste Framework Directive, setting EU targets for food waste reduction by 2030 and measures towards a more sustainable and less waste-producing textile sector.  

Binding food waste reduction targets to be met at national level by 31 December 2030:  

  • 10% in food processing and manufacturing  
  • 30% per capita in retail, restaurants, food services and households  

This represents a good first step in reducing food waste across the EU and highlights the importance of respecting the food waste hierarchy and prioritizing redistribution for human consumption, like for instance through Food Banks.  

FEBA will continue to advocate for higher targets across the entire food chain, as more ambitious targets are needed in order to reach SDG 12.3 to halve food waste per capita by 2030.  

What are the next steps? The amendments will enter into force once they are formally adopted and published in the Official Journal. Based on the indicated timeline by the Commission, EU Members States will then have 20 months (until 2027) to transpose the new rules into national legislation.  

Read more here.