
Milan wins Earthshot Prize thanks to neighbourhood hub project against food waste

The first edition of the Earthshot Prize was held in London on 17 October 2021, an event organised by Prince William to reward the best initiatives against the climate crisis. The City of Milan, thanks to its neighbourhood hub project against food waste, won one of the five prizes!

In recognition of the award, Milan is described as the first major city to apply a policy against food waste at city level thanks to synergic teamwork.

Banco Alimentare Lombardia has been part of this team right from the start. In fact, the first city hub for food recovery and distribution was set up in 2017 and entrusted to Banco Alimentare.

The hub made it possible to manage a flow of 260,000 equivalent meals, thanks to the contribution of 20 supermarkets, 4 company canteens and 24 Third Sector organisations which, united in a network, made it possible to reach 3,800 people in difficulty.

Read here the original article (in Italian).