Our activities

FEBA Annual Convention

FEBA Annual Convention is our flagship event and brings together a wide range of participants, including our members from 30 European countries, officials from the European institutions and international organisations, business partners, leading experts and other NGOs.

FEBA Annual Convention 2024

The future of food banking discussed at the FEBA Annual Convention

This year we will gather food bankers from across Europe to discuss ways to strengthen the positions of our network and movement with regards to the future and sustainability. We want to explore the components of our success and where we identify room for improvement. Join us in Prague! We need your ideas!

19-21 June 2024 – Prague, Czech Republic

FEBA Annual Convention 2023

Do the quantities of surplus food recovered keep up with the increased demand for food from charities? Do we innovate and double-down our efforts and focus on securing even more of the surplus food that would otherwise go to waste? Do we pivot our organisation’s mission and focus more on the social issue of material deprivation than the environmental issue of food waste? Or does this crisis mean we are being driven to rethink the core values – giving, sharing, European solidarity, and fighting food waste – of Food Banks today?

We came together and shared our thinking and practices on this vital and fundamental set of challenges

The European Food Banks Federation brought the right top thinkers together in Madrid for the FEBA Annual Convention 2023, which was organised in collaboration with Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos (FESBAL) on 27-29 September 2023.

FEBA Annual Convention 2022

The FEBA Annual Convention 2022 “Europe in crisis, Food Banks in action” organised by the European Food Banks Federation in collaboration with Tafel Deutschland e.V. took place on 13-14 October 2022 in Berlin.

The effects of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine have placed the global economy under tremendous strain. This three-fold crisis provoking crippling supply chains, skyrocketing inflation rates, and spiralling costs of living leads to food donation becoming a game changer and food security being increasingly fragile. In this difficult period FEBA Members continue to work facing the challenge not just to prevent good surplus food from becoming food waste but also to ensure its safe delivery and redistribution to charities helping people in need. During the 2 days of the Annual Convention, FEBA together with its members as well as external partners and stakeholders shared, discussed, and exchanged best practices to alleviate the repercussions of the crisis and become more resilient to future shocks.

FEBA Annual Convention 2021

FEBA Annual Convention 2021 “For a sustainable future food system”, was organised by the European Food Banks Federation in collaboration with Česka Federace Potravinovych Bank and took place online on 6-7 May 2021.

FEBA Annual Convention 2021 was recognised as a UN Food Systems Independent Dialogue and wanted to offer opportunities for all participants to engage directly in proposing pathways towards sustainable food systems, exploring new ways of working together and encouraging collaborative actions. FEBA submitted a report to the United Nations as a contribution to the UN Food Systems Summit.

FEBA Annual Convention 2019

FEBA Annual Convention 2019 “Towards the next decade, together” was organised in. collaboration with Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus and took place on 15-18 May 2019 in Rome, Italy.

FEBA Annual Convention 2019 brought together more than 100 participants from 31 countries, including Food Bankers, policy-makers, business partners, leading experts and other NGO representatives.

FEBA Annual Convention 2018

FEBA Annual Convention 2018 was organized in collaboration with the Hungarian Food Bank and took place on 24-26 May in Budapest (Hungary). It brought together more than 100 participants from 30 countries, including food bankers, policy-makers, business partners, leading experts and other NGO representatives.

It was focused on “Redistributing more nutritious surplus food – opportunities and challenges” and dedicated to knowledge sharing and training on innovative solutions in logistics and IT that can help Food Banks to increase efficiency and scale operations, ultimately allowing them to recover and redistribute more food.

FEBA Annual Convention 2017

FEBA Annual Convention 2017 took place in Rotterdam, in collaboration with Voedselbanken Nederland. It gave more than 90 delegates the opportunity to share their best practices on “Ensuring the financial sustainability of food banks”.