
FEBA and Food Bank Greece visit FBAR to kick off the Data Collection Pilot test

Collecting reliable, accurate data is essential to paint a comprehensive picture of the positive impact Food Banks across Europe make and use this as a base for successful advocacy work.

Following in the footsteps of Food Bank Greece, Federația Băncilor pentru Alimente din România (FBAR) will start gathering qualitative and qualitative information from their network of nine local Food Banks using the tailored FEBA Data Collection Platform. Dimitris Nentas (General Manager, Food Bank Greece) and Anna Friederitz (Network Development Coordinator, FEBA) travelled to Bucharest from 8 to 9 July 2024 to kick off the pilot test with FBAR, share experience, give recommendations, and discuss the technicalities.

In addition, a tour of the warehouse of Banca pentru Alimente București, the Food Bank in Bucharest, was on the agenda, as well as a visit to a community centre run by Asociația „Șansa Ta”, a charity focusing on the socio-professional integration of children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Bucharest Food Bank frequently assist them with fresh and shelf-stable food to foster the preparation of nutritious meals.