
CoP Material Support in Warsaw

From 20 to 21 November 2023, FEBA attended the event ‘Bridging Communities in Times of Crisis: Providing Material Support for Vulnerable Groups’ in Warsaw, Poland. The session explored the Polish material support and social inclusion strategies within the framework of the ESF+. It aimed at bringing together various stakeholders to offer valuable insights and lessons learned from Poland’s experience in addressing material deprivation and promoting social inclusion during times of crisis. This was followed by a panel discussion to explore the impact of crises on vulnerable groups,

culminating in a Q&A session to further delve into resilient solutions and effective support systems for those most affected. Next up was an interactive workshop and lastly site visits, including a visit to ‘Punkt Pod Parasolem’ a project run by the SOS Food Bank in Warsaw, which is part ofthe network of the Polish Federation of Food Banks.