General Assembly December 2023

On 13 December 2023 the FEBA General Assembly was held online. FEBA’s new CEO Esteban Arriaga was introduced to the network and delegates. The FEBA Annual Convention 2024 was announced in Prague, Czech Republic next year. The representatives in our network voted on different resolutions. With warm Christmas and New Years wishes, the session was […]

During the last weeks of December FEBA officially closed its #AllTogether4Ukraine campaign, you can read the full detailed report here. At the same time, FEBA launched its new campaign FoodaidUkraine in order to continue its support. The access to food is a big concern for many. People have no direct access to food in the […]
Last EU Working Group of the Year
On 5 December 2023 FEBA held the last session of the EU Working Group. The session was focused on a recap of what was accomplished during the year when it comes to FEBA policy work. In addition to that insights were given on the Platform meeting, more specifically the food donation sub-group. After that the […]
FEBA visits member in the Netherlands
On 22 and 23 November 2023, incoming FEBA CEO Esteban Arriaga and Fundraising Officer Anna Dekker spent two days in the Netherlands, visiting the local Food Bank and social supermarket in Arnhem, followed by a visit to the Voedselbanken Nederland HQ in Houten to learn more about the work of the federation. The purpose of […]
Food Donation sub-group
The session started with interesting discussions on the results of the assessment of the food redistribution landscape, identifying challenges and opportunities for the different actors along the food supply chain. This was followed by interventions from Balázs Cseh, President of Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület, FEBA Member in Hungary, on the topics of recovery of surplus food […]
CoP Material Support in Warsaw
From 20 to 21 November 2023, FEBA attended the event ‘Bridging Communities in Times of Crisis: Providing Material Support for Vulnerable Groups’ in Warsaw, Poland. The session explored the Polish material support and social inclusion strategies within the framework of the ESF+. It aimed at bringing together various stakeholders to offer valuable insights and lessons […]
Citizen’ Panel & EU Platform Food Losses and Waste
On 7 November 2023, FEBA participated in the Citizens’ Panel on Food Waste as well as the Plenary Session of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste (FLW). Opening remarks were made by Sandra Gallina, Director General, DG SANTE, European Commission. The Citizens’ Panel convened by the European Commission put forward 23 recommendations, […]
With the support of the European Union, the innovative platform was launched
Banca de Alimente Moldova with the support of the European Union launched the online platform The platform presents an innovative digital project that will facilitate the logistical process of food recovery from Food Business Operators in the agri-food chain and redistribution to social canteen services and other social services where food is provided. The […]
Food industry leaders join forces to pledge support for the coronation food project
Senior leaders from the UK food industry have come together in a historic pledge in support of the Coronation Food Project. It encourages major supermarkets and food manufacturers to join FareShare’s innovative “Alliance Manufacturing” programme to redistribute even more surplus food to charities nationwide. The Coronation Food Project, inspired by His Majesty The King, and […]
Henk Staghouwer new chairman of Voedselbanken Nederland
Henk Staghouwer will become the new chairman of Voedselbanken Nederland as of January 1, 2024. The Food Banks are happy with this worthy successor to Leo Wijnbelt, who is handing over after 15 years of service. Henk Staghouwer brings 30 years of experience in business and 10 in public administration. He is very motivated to […]