
At The Reunion 2023 Banco Alimentare presents a new research on surplus food and food waste in Italy

On 23 October, during The Reunion 2023, Banco Alimentare presented the data of the “Research on surplus food and food waste in Italy: the food processing industry” (Indagine sulle eccedenze e sullo spreco alimentare in Italia: L’industria della trasformazione alimentare) conducted by Food Sustainability Lab of Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà.

The research shows ‘for the first time unbundles the sectors of food production and […] highlights how food donation for social purposes is the driving force behind strategies to prevent food waste and these two activities are complementary in achieving the same objective, to the benefit of the environment and people in need’, said Giovanni Bruno, President of Fondazione Banco Alimentare ONLUS.

Download the Executive Summary of the research presented during the event in English here and in Italian here.