In France, the national food collection, which took place on the last weekend of November, made it possible to collect more than 20 million meals in three days. A key solidarity event at the end of the year, and a real logistical and human exploit which is organised with the help of more than 110,000 volunteers. They come from the network’s 6,000 partner associations, service clubs, schools and universities, sports clubs and also from committed companies.
For this edition, nearly 50 sponsoring companies or partners of the French Food Banks mobilised a total of more than 2,150 employees. Between colleagues and during their working hours on Fridays or with their families on Saturdays and Sundays, the volunteers came to reinforce the ranks to fight food insecurity. This participation of the employees of partner companies was essential and allowed a continuous presence in the different collection points, throughout the country.
This strong presence of corporate sponsors, including major retailers, reflects a strong commitment and a desire to give the company’s commitment a real meaning, shared by all, beyond the donation of products or financial sponsorship.
The French Food Banks’ network warmly thanks the participating companies and hopes that this involvement will continue and multiply. The partner companies of the 2021 collection: Amazon, Artelia, Auchan, Axa, Banque Populaire Val de France, Barilla, Batigere, BNP Paribas, Bureau Veritas, Cargill France, Carrefour, CEREA, Circet, Costa Croisières, Danone, Edenred, Elior, Enedis, Enterprise Rent a Car, Fnac Darty, GRDF, HPE, ING, Innocent, Interface, Kellogg, L-Founders, E-Leclerc, Mars Wriglet, Ministry of the Interior, Mademoiselle Dessert, Medaiperformances, Mufg, Nestlé, Novo Nordisk, Open Football Club, Phenix, Protivité, SGS, SNCF, Solvay, Synerpas, Tereos, Too Good To Go, Unigrains, UP Coop, Wenabi, Monoprix.