Tafel Deutschland e.V. elects Andreas Steppuhn as new chairman

Andreas Steppuhn is the new chairman of Tafel Deutschland e.V. At their general assembly on 6 July 2023, 58.4% of the local Tafel representatives attending voted for the 61-year-old. Andreas Steppuhn, who was born in Münster, has been active as a volunteer at the Tafel in various functions since 2005, and has been chairman of […]

EU Working Group I 4 July 2023

The sixth session of the EU Working Group in 2023 was held online on 4 July 2023 and attended by 11 participants from 7 countries. The session started with an introduction to the European Consumer Food Waste Forum and a recap of the most recent meeting of the ESF+ Community of Practice on Material Support […]